chevron_rightBesides the Deed Restrictions what guidelines does the Association follow?
All Homeowners or Property Owners Associations in the State of Texas must follow The State Property Code. Every 2 years (odd-numbered) the state legislature meets to review and amend these laws which are constantly changing. Both County and State laws supersede/trump your dedicatory documents so it is important to use these instruments hand in hand.
chevron_rightCan the construction companies put a notice of night work?
Charlie Riley (County Commissioner): There should be a notification sign up and visible if night work is planned. Resident stated this was not done previously and Mr.Riley will be checking into this going forward.
chevron_rightCan the county install speed bumps
Charlie Riley (County Commissioner): NO SPEED BUMPS are allowed they are too much of a liability. The county also can not afford the cost and the roads through out the association are public roads therefore they can not be installed. Mr.Tim Hollifield has been hired by the commissioners office to look into speeding issues and he will be researching the Woodland Oaks Association however there will be a zero tolerance once this begins. If you see the same speeders every day or a reoccurring time report this to Officer Marshal Williams or To Mr.Hollifield.
chevron_rightCan the deed restrictions change or be amended?
Per the deed restrictions in there must be a 51% approval of all property owners in favor of the changes.This is covered is Section 19 Duration of RestrictionsAdditional Notes: Per attorney Warrenson Payne of Tu & Payne though the restrictions state they are in full force and effect for the primary period of thirty years from the date hereof... This does not mean they are no longer enforceable after the 30 year mark. The association must still gain a 51% approval in order to amend the deed restrictions.
chevron_rightCan Woodland Oaks Drive be widened?
Charlie Riley (County Commissioner) In order to widen the road all mail boxes need to be on the same side. Attendee asked if the commissioners office could send a letter to all Woodland Oaks Drive property owners asking them to move their mail boxes. Mr.Riley will have to look into that to see if it is even an option.
chevron_rightHow do we get a stop sign @ Hinsdale and Woodland Oaks
Charlie Riley (County Commissioner): Studies have been done and he has looked at the intersection himself as well as the intersections at Gunnison and Wiley and Hinsdale however there is not enough traffic to warrant a stop sign. The association has been studied. To justify a new stop sign a road must have an average of 800 cars an hour for 5 hours. Mr.Riley will put a counter at Hinsdale and Woodland Oaks to do a count however this will be a hard number to reach.
chevron_rightHow do we report a stop sign missing or a pothole?
Report all street issues and drainage issues to Mr.Charlie Riley (County Commissioner) (281)255-6492.
chevron_rightIs there a set depth for culverts?
Charlie Riley (County Commissioner): Woodland Oaks has a straight no slope drainage. However if someone calls the commissioners office and requests for a ditch to be looked at they will come out and look into the issue.
chevron_rightMy neighbhor has a down, dead or leaning tree....
The Woodland Oaks Dedicatory Documents do not give the association the ability to enter a persons property and remove a tree, therefore a letter can be sent however the association must follow the proper legal avenues in order to rectify the situation. They can not in any way enter a property unless a Montgomery County judge orders it allowable.So what should a property owner do in this instance? Call and report the tree to PMG 281-367-8137 so they can send a letter however the property owner to which the tree is posing a threat should also send a certified letter addressing the specific threat to the neighbor who owns the property. All ownership information can be found on the Montgomery County Appraisal District Website.
chevron_rightThere is a smell coming from the lift station who do I report this to?
Contrary to what some may believe the Woodland Oaks POA and the Woodland Oaks Utility are two separate entities. All issues with water, sewage, as well as odors should be reported to the Woodland Oaks Utility District at (281)897-9100 or by email at customerservice@woodlandoaksonline.com. We strongly suggest you send all correspondence thru email so that you have a paper trail.You can also file a formal complaint with TCEQ (Texas Commission on Environmental Quality) 512-239-1000As of the October 5, 2015 board meeting the Woodland Oaks Board of Directors has formed a Water Research committee. If you would like to join this committee please submit your name on the committee tab.
chevron_rightWhat are the hours a contractor can work on new construction?
Please refer to the Archectecural Control Process portion of the website for more detail.Construction should not take place between the hours of 6pm-6am Monday-SaturdayContractors should not be working on Sundays or Holidays.If you have an issue with a contractor please contact PMG at 281-367-8137 so that the problem can be addressed.
chevron_rightWhen the construction is complete will there be a light @Durango or Woodland Oaks?
Charlie Riley (County Commissioner): He is not sure however he will look into it.
chevron_rightWhere can I locate my deed restrictions?
The by laws and deed restrictions can be located on this website under documents. These are the documents to which your association is run. These were first put into place by the developer and filed through Montgomery County making them a legally enforceable document. The board can not operate outside of the grounds for which these documents allow.
chevron_rightWhich trash companies service the association?
The deed restrictions do not give the board the ability to regulate trash service therefore a property owner can contract thru which ever trash company they so chose. The current trash companies that are offering service in the area as of September 2015-
chevron_rightWho do I contact in order to have my ditch cleaned out?
The Ditch running along the roads thru out Woodland Oaks are the County's responsibility. Please contact the Commissioner's office at 281-259-6492.
chevron_rightWho do I report a loose animal to?
If an animal comes up to your home or if you find an animal and you feel that the animal is not a threat you are more than welcome to post pictures of the animal on the Lost & Found portion of the website. However all property owners should be aware that there is a County Ordinance on loose animals of any kind. State and County law supersede your dedicatory documents therefore property owners are encouraged to call Montgomery County Animal Control to report loose animals at (936) 442-7738For the specific ordinance information feel free to click on the following link to read the specific documentation from Montgomery County Rabies-Control-Ordinance
chevron_rightWho Do I report streetlight outages to?
To report a power outage or streetlight out please contact:
Centerpoint Energy 713-207-2222 or go to the website: Streetlight Out
According to a Centerpoint Representative if a repair ticket is placed before noon it will be addressed within the same day, if one is placed after noon will be addressed the next day depending on their workload. There is a six-digit number on the streetlight pole, please have this number when placing the repair ticket.
chevron_rightWho do we report vandalism to?
In the event of an emergency please call 911. If you have a non-emergency please call the Montgomery County Sheriffs office non emergency line at (936) 760-5800.Feel free to contact PMG (281)367-8137, once you have reported incidents to the police department so that your neighbors can be notified and aware of any suspicious activity.
chevron_rightWho is responsible if the commissioners office is digging and a line is hit?
Charlie Riley (County Commissioner): Person to whom the line belongs to is responsible for the repair.
chevron_rightWhy are solicitors allowed if a sign is posted at the entrance?
Tim Hollifield (Montgomery County Sheriffs office) There is not a state law preventing soliciting nor is their a county permit required. However if you have a No Trespassing sign then call the sheriffs office and report a solicitor if they go onto your property.